Saturday, September 22, 2007

ECRI Weekly Leading Index indicator down slightly but suggests a stable albeit lackluster outlook

The Weekly Leading Index (WLI) from the Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI) fell slightly (-0.14% vs. +0.15% last week) but the six-month smoothed growth rate rose slightly (from +0.3% to +0.4), remaining slightly above the flat line, suggesting that the economy will be somewhat lackluster but stable in the months ahead, neither booming nor busting.

A WLI growth rate of zero (0.0) would indicate an economy that is likely to run at a steady growth rate, neither accelerating nor decelerating. A WLI fluctuating in a range from +1.5% to -1.5% would seem to forecast a relatively stable "Goldilocks" economy.

If I were looking at this one indicator alone, I would say that the Fed is succeeding at its goal of moderating the economy to a sustainable growth rate.

I will offer the caveat that the Weekly Leading Index and its smoothed growth rate do not tell us how strong the economy will be six or nine months from now, but do tell us whether whether weakness or strength is more likely a few months from now. It works best to tell us whether a "gathering storm" might be lurking just around the corner, but presently indicates relatively "clear weather" for the next few months, even if the interval is occasionally punctuated with financial market "gyrations."

-- Jack Krupansky


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